test 2018-06-04T10:05:45+00:00

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Come along on Sunday, the 18th of May, from 9am to 1pm, to help the Treemendous Team transform the school makeover site.

The students and helpers from Our School submitted a wonderful plan last year, which was selected by Mazda New Zealand as one of four school makeovers that the team will be undertaking this year. We just need your help to complete it!

On the day we will be planting and mulching 1300 native plants and completely transforming the site courtesy of the $10,000 prize. All are welcome to come along. Bring along named spades, wheelbarrows, and gloves. If you do plan on coming along, please bring a plate to share for morning tea. All other drinks and food, including a sausage sizzle lunch upon completion, will be provided. Even if you can only come for an hour or so, we need your help!

If you intend coming along, let Christina know by Wednesday the 14th of May, even if just for a couple of hours (numbers are needed for catering purposes). Volunteers from Project Crimson and Mazda Foundation will be there and will be mucking in, but many hands are needed!
